My Words, My Lies, My Love

My Words, My Lies, My Love

My Words, My Lies, My Love (Lila, Lila)
2009, 107’, 35mm
Subtitles: Turkish, English
Director: Alain Gsponer

In this adaptation from Martin Suter’s novel shy young waiter David falls in love with beautiful Marie but doesn’t have the courage to make the first move. To finally draw her attention he gives her a manuscript novel. The novel really appeals to Marie who sends it to a publishing house. The book, entitled “Lila, Lila,” becomes a bestseller. The trouble is that David is not the author of the novel and had actually found the manuscript copy in a rag shop. The real author, who is a tramp, steps up to the plate to pressure the imposter David.

Past Programs
Life in Transit
September 23–30, 2010