You Drive Me Crazy

You Drive Me Crazy

You Drive Me Crazy, 2012

Germany, France, Blu-ray, Color, 84’, English / German / Hindi / Japanese / Korean

Director:Andrea Thiele

Culture clash has always been one of the favorite themes of cinema, and especially of comedy. This very entertaining documentary by Andrea Thiele is also about culture clash. Jake is an American living in Tokyo, Mirela a German living in Mumbai, and Hye-Won a South Korean living in Munich… All three are facing the same problem: Their own country’s driver’s license is not valid in the country where they have the decided to start a new life. In other words, they have to take the driving test again. Adapting to the rules of their new country turns out to be harder than expected. Thiele’s film was selected for the programs at the DOK Leipzig and SXSW festivals and earned critical acclaim.

Past Programs
New Paths- Brand New Films from Germany
June 13–23, 2013