Two Super Movies In One

Two Super Movies In One

İki Süper Film Birden, 2006
Director: Murat Şeker
Writers: Murat Şeker, Selami Genli, Erol Adilce
Cast: Tim Seyfi, Murat Akkoyunlu, Beste Bereket, Uğur Polat

İki Süper Film Birden (Two Super Movies In One) is director Murat Şeker’s first feature-length film, which he made after a series of shorts and documentaries. Its protagonist is Necati Tüfenk, a cinema buff who wants to shoot an experimental film (called Yerçekimi Sıfır [Zero Gravity]) that will have neither screenplay nor actors. A fast-paced film that is both consistent and entertaining, İki Süper Film Birden is a remarkably thoughtful look at “cinema” while presenting the world of young cinema enthusiasts (especially those in the cohort identified as “Generation X”) with a high-spirited realism. The resulting portrait of a young cinema freak turns out to be quite different from the usual one of old-time directors however. In a world where “ends justify means”, Necati intends to find the means to his end…

Past Programs
Matryoshka Movies
January 14–31, 2010