The Sixth Side of the Pentagon

The Sixth Side of the Pentagon (La Sixiéme Face du Pentagone)
1967, 27’
Directors: Chris Marker, François Reichenbach
Language: English
Screening: Friday, 8 February, 15.00, Thursday, 14 February, 18.00, Sunday, 17 February, 17.00

On October 21, 1967 over 100,000 protestors gathered to march to the Pentagon. It was the largest protest gathering yet, and it brought together many different groups of people, from hippies to Yippies. Che Guevara had been killed two weeks previously and, for many, this was not simply marching against the war but a direct action to try to stop the American war machine. Marker too was present with his camera, and, through his images and comments, takes us back 40 years to that day.

Past Programs
Statues Also Die
February 7–17, 2013