

Sea Dog’s Devotion
Austria, Germany, 2008, 35 mm, Color, 11’, No Dialogue
Director: Anna Kalus

In the film inspired from the poem of the same name by Joachim Ringelnatz, an old sailor tries to cope with the death of the woman he loves.

Abortion Democracy: Poland/South
Germany, 2008, DV, Color, 50’, English, Polish, English Subtitled
Director: Sarah Diehl

The film analyzes abortion laws in Poland and South Africa and how these laws affect women, through comparing them with each other and asking this question: "In Poland, abortion is not legal but why is it more easily accessible and secure than in South Africa where abortion is legal?"

South Korea, 2008, Super 16 mm, Color, 20’, Korean, English Subtitled
Director: Jae-Hee Hong

Jeong-hee is a vegetarian, her husband is a butcher. Jeong-hee constantly bears violence from her husband. Her neighbours give her advice to cope with it: the hunter and the prey change place…

Past Programs
March 14–20, 2010