USA | DCP, Color, 134' |English
Director: Dee Rees
Cast: Carey Mulligan, Jason Clarke, Garrett Hedlund

During the final years of the Second World War, the McAllan family is forced to let go of their comfortable lives in Memphis and move into a farm in the deprived and muddy Mississippi. The racial tensions between the McAllans and the Jacksons who share the land are a perfect example of the racism present in social life even though slavery has presumably been abolished. When each family welcomes their sons from the war, the men unite as two war veterans rather than men with different skin colors, and begin to nurture a budding friendship. With Mudbound—a striking film with a very strong cast—cinematographer Rachel Morrison became the first woman to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Achievement in Cinematography.

Past Programs
Curb Your Manspreading, Please
June 21–July 1, 2018