EMBER (KOR), 2016

Turkey | DCP, Color, 145’ | Turkish

Director:Zeki Demirkubuz

Cast:Aslıhan Gürbüz, Caner Cindoruk, Taner Birsel

When Emine’s husband Cemal is arrested in Romania, where he had traveled for business after having gone downhill, Emine is left alone with their sick child who is urgently in need of surgery. She takes a job as a needle worker at a garment workshop where she comes across Ziya, her husband’s former boss. Ziya was once very fond of Emine but she chose Cemal with whom she got married. When he learns about what the young woman and her child are going through, Ziya can’t remain indifferent. In limbo between hope and despair, the film creates a twisted love triangle full of uncertainty and suspicion.

Past Programs
Count Us In!
November 10–24, 2016