Asta Transfer

Asta Transfer / Ich will mich nicht künstlich aufregen, 2014

Director: Max Linz

Color, 84', DCP

"Asta Transfer", which was screened in the Forum section of this year’s Berlinale, is a refreshingly original comedy. The main character of the film, directed by Max Linz, is Asta, a curator struggling to find funding for her new exhibition project. Asta is torn between trying on one hand to keep abreast of the business relationships and jargon of the art world, and on the other hand to stay true to its theory and ideals. Will she become part of a system she does not believe in for the sake of money, or will she attempt to produce art outside of this system? Undoubtedly, this dilemma holds not only for Berlin, where the film is set, but also for artists in all corners of the world. This mischievous film, exploring the relationship between arts funding and capitalism, bears traces of the Oberhausen Manifesto and the early films of Alexander Kluge.

Past Programs
Various States of Love
October 16–26, 2014